Chinese Club and Martial Arts Club lead successful Chinatown field trip

The group of 26 students, faculty, and friends gathered early in the morning to explore the rich cultural heritage of the Chinese community.
The students visited the Chinese American Museum of Chicago and went on a walking tour of Chinatown, visiting different shops, restaurants, and landmarks in the area. The group was impressed by the colorful sights, sounds, and smells of Chinatown.
The students were grateful to the Chinese Club president, Halla Swindle ’23, who organized all the trip details and made sure everything ran smoothly. The Martial Arts Club president, Lily Lourigan ’25, also played a crucial role in organizing her group and working together with Halla to make the trip possible.
Overall, the field trip was an enriching cultural experience that brought the students closer together and fostered an appreciation for the diversity of cultures in the world. The Chinese Club and Martial Arts Club were proud to have organized such a successful event and look forward to more exciting adventures in the future.
Sponsoring Department, Office, or Organization:
Chinese Club, Martial Arts Club
For more information, contact:
Jinny Lourigan: